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Wheelchair Lifts

Wheelchair lifts create mobility. They can be inside or outside your home or commercial building. They are a flexible and affordable mobility solution where elevators are not always practical economically or space-wise.

It is the wonderful flexibility and options that can make wheelchair lift models confusing. We can help answer all your questions, so do call us. But basically:

  • Vertical platform lifts (VPL) are used when:
    • There is not space for an elevator shaft, there are floor penetration issues, or a VPL can be placed more conveniently for users than where an elevator would have to go.
    • Budget does not permit installation of an elevator which is generally more expensive than a VPL.
  • Inclined platform lifts (IPL) (NOTE: IPL are currently unavailable.) are used when space is more severely limited making installation of a vertical lift impractical.

Due to clearance requirements, appearance, and cost, inclined platform lifts are most often used in commercial applications.  Vertical platform lifts are used in residential and commercial applications.

Wheelchair lifts are safer, easier to use, and more convenient than ramps. They also save space in that ramps have a large footprint. Depending on your space and how you will use the wheelchair lift, one of these solutions will work to improve your independence or help commercial buildings meet ADA requirements and serve the needs of all their visitors.

Our wheelchair lift installation teams are trained and exceptionally experienced. Leave your project to us. We will work with your construction team or architect where necessary and, if needed, can handle any permitting and inspection needs.

Compare Wheelchair Lifts to LULA Elevators

Talk to Our Experts in Wheelchair Lifts

Visit our residential elevator and commercial wheelchair lift showroom to learn more about each wheelchair lift type, various options, and discover the benefits for your home, office, school, or retail building.

Call us at (713) 360-7353 with all your questions.

Or send us a message.

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Benefits of Wheelchair Lifts

  • Require less space than an commercial elevator.
  • Preparatory construction work prior to installation is minimal.
  • Simple to use with keyed controls for safety.
  • Many options to customize for your needs and architecture.
  • Overcome barriers preventing you from enjoying your home or customers from visiting your tenants.
exterior residential vertical platform lift

Wheelchair Lift Gallery

I was very satisfied with Home Elevator of Houston. Jay, the owner, saw to it that all aspects of the design were coordinated with the builder. In the end, any issues that arose while fine-tuning the elevator, were promptly corrected and the result has been an elevator with no issues and flawless operation. Best Regards,

Marco Echeverria